Tag - Eye Spy

Cheat Days: The Day People Are Most Likely To Cheat

Cheaters are more likely to cheat during the first month of the year as a way to "regain their freedom" after the holiday season. A smaller majority of newbie cheaters decide that they need to to try something new in life, during this time. It’s simply part of a basic human need for excitement and departure from routine. Call the Michigan...

Bug Sweeps and Hidden Cameras

The Michigan Private Detectives at Eye Spy Detection Agency can conduct Bug Sweeps and Hidden Cameras detection. The Michigan Bug Sweep Technicians at Eye Spy will throughly search your home, business and/or vehicles. Furthermore, we can bug sweep telephones, computer lines, and offices to eliminate electronic eavesdropping and wiretaps and surveillance devices. Eye Spy is an international provider of Technical Surveillance Counter...

Michigan GPS Tracking and Device Detection

Concerned about covert a GPS Tracker on your automobile?  The Michigan Private Investigators at Eye Spy Detective Agency can conduct a GPS Tracking and Device Detection Service. Eye Spy can locate any GPS tracker. This high sensitivity GSM and GPS detector will not interfere with any analog or digital signals but will specifically locate the signal source. Are you wondering about GPS Tracking...

Michigan Child Custody Investigations

How can we help you with Michigan Child Custody Investigations? Call the Michigan Private Investigators at Eye Spy to get the evidence you need. In case of a divorce or separation, child custody investigations can provide assurance that the Family Court orders are upheld in accordance with the judgements. We determine what the child/children experience is like with a custodial or...

Office Christmas Party

The Office Christmas party has a way of exposing workplace affairs. The workplace ties with the Internet as the number one place for cheating. Worried about letting your spouse attend his or her office holiday party alone? You have good reason to be. Need evidence? Call The Michigan Private Investigators at Eye Spy today. The Office Christmas Party Is Hopping In one study,...
