Tag - cheating investigator michigan

National Mistress Day February 13th

Did you know that February is National Mistress Day? A new day for the calendar? The day before Valentine's Day is the day unfaithful men plan to see their mistresses. The Michigan Private Investigators at Eye Spy are gearing up to bust cheaters. Do you suspect Infidelity? If so, call Eye Spy today! February 13th is National Mistress Day Loyal wives may be gearing...

Christmas Shopping

Are they really Christmas shopping? Or could they playing reindeer games? Beware! Cheaters are their most promiscuous at Christmas! Cheaters will do anything as they cannot be bear to be away from their flame. If you find your spouse or significant other lost in their thoughts, chances are using their imagination to grant themselves a fleeting moment in the arms of their lover.The...

Late Nights Or Late Night Hookups?

When you get the text that says, "Sorry - working late. Don't wait up!" What comes to mind? Late nights or late night hookups! Some women would think nothing of it. Thinking 'Oh hes just working late. No big deal!' Or you get the other percentage thinking 'Late night again? The SOB is definitely cheating!' Either one of the sides...

Office Christmas Party

The Office Christmas party has a way of exposing workplace affairs. The workplace ties with the Internet as the number one place for cheating. Worried about letting your spouse attend his or her office holiday party alone? You have good reason to be. Need evidence? Call The Michigan Private Investigators at Eye Spy today. The Office Christmas Party Is Hopping In one study,...

Double Life Cheater

Do you suspect your significant other may be living a double life!? There are a lot of signs you should watch out for that could possibly be telling you your significant other is married. You never think it will happen to you, but it's always better safe than sorry if you suspect something. Call the Michigan Private Investigators at Eye Spy...
