
The Love of Halloween

Oh, for the Love of Halloween. But, why do adults love Halloween? Do you suspect that your significant other wants to have an affair? Could they be trying to step into another character for a while? Find out! Call The Michigan Private Investigators at Eye Spy today! Halloween has survived because it allows us to get in touch with our fear of death,...

Is This Confidential?

You may be wondering is this Confidential? Yes. Hiring a licensed Michigan Private Investigator at Eye Spy is 100% Confidential. So what does Confidentiality really mean? It means in strict privacy or secrecy; secret: a remark. Thus, having another's trust or confidence. Furthermore, to be trusted with secrets or private affairs. Are You Wondering "Is This Confidential?" But do you really know who you...

All Hallows Eve

All Hallows Eve later became Halloween. Over time, Halloween evolved into a day of activities like trick-or-treating, carving jack-o-lanterns, festive gatherings, donning costumes and eating treats. Halloween is the time when people act out of character. Which means it's a likely time that they will cheat. Find out what is really going on. Call the Michigan Cheating Investigators at Eye Spy...

Creepy McCreeperson

Who is Creepy McCreeperson? A creepy person who lurks around and gives off a strange vibe. Do some people give you an awkward feeling? Do they stare and say inappropriate things to people? Not feeling sure about the truth, wisdom, or trustworthiness of someone or something can really wreak havoc on your life. Find out about them confidentially. Call the Michigan Background...

The Shyster

A Shyster is a slang word for someone who acts in a disreputable, unethical, or unscrupulous way. However, In business, it doesn't pay to overlook small lies and early delays in performance. Do you need to show a persons business ethics? The Michigan Business Investigators at Eye Spy can help. People who use dirty tricks are like bullies. They are looking...
