
What Is Causing Changes In Behavior

Wondering what is causing changes in behavior? Changes in behavior mostly comes from teenagers. Usually its assumed because of puberty and mood swings. Which makes sense. But what if their behavior has changed on top of puberty and mood swings? The next prediction is that they are using drugs. Call the Michigan Drug Testing Private Investigators and get the evidence...

Are You Being Catfished

Dating websites are all fun and games until somebody gets catfished.  Are you being catfished? What are the signs? What are some ways you can find out? Well for starters, If they seem too good to be true, they probably aren't who they say they are. The Licensed Private Investigators at Eye Spy can help. Is It Possible That You are Being Catfished? People...

Dead Beat Dads

Did you know that Dead beat Dads have become an epidemic? Dead beat dads have chosen not to be a financially supportive parent. What is the most important thing in the world? Money, fame, security? 9 out of 10 people say family. Do you need evidence for court? Call the Michigan Private Investigators at Eye Spy today. Family is important because...

The Mystery Woman

When you hear the words "The mystery woman", what comes to your mind? Mostly, woman think of a gorgeous blonde that your significant other or husband is having relations with. And that your partner is much more fonder of her then yourself. So how do you find out if your partner has a mystery woman? The Michigan Private Investigators at Eye Spy...
