
Strong Evidence

Strong Evidence is needed before confronting someone you suspect of something. Otherwise, it's just an opinion. Get the proof you need! Although our gut instincts are often correct,  it’s important to make sure you have strong evidence to support your suspicions. Call the Michigan Private Investigators at Eye Spy to get the evidence you need. Do You Need Strong Evidence? Unfortunately, a person having...

Superficial Conversations

Does your Spouse only seem to have Superficial Conversations with you? This could be a red flag. Furthermore, does your spouse avoid being alone with you? Have your conversations become purely superficial. Seems like your conversations never go deeper than surface level. Call the Michigan Private Investigators at Eye Spy and find out what is really going on. Does It Seem Like Superficial Conversations...

Should You Divorce?

Oftentimes the spouse who had the affair will push for a quick separation. Thus to legitimize the person they cheated with. But many affairs end after a year or two, so in many cases, a legal separation may be a better decision. But, should you divorce them? Call the Michigan Divorce Private Investigators at Eye Spy and get the evidence before...

Children As Pawns

A Divorce is tough enough. But don't use your children as pawns. In these battles, one parent is attempting to obtain sole custody of the children. But, while severely restricting the visiting rights of the other parent. However, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Get the evidence you need for your Michigan Child Custody case. Call Eye Spy today! Are They...

Need to Hire a Private Investigator in Michigan

Need to hire a Private Investigator in Michigan? But, where do you start? Furthermore, what can they do for you? A Private Investigator seeks and gathers information. Furthermore, they can monitor someone’s movements to document their actions and behavior. Therefore, this information can be very useful in court. Call Eye Spy today. Do You Need To Hire a Private Investigator in Michigan? When you hire...
