Cheating Partner

Michigan Private Investigations

Is your significant acting suspicious? Contact us and get the evidence you need. We can forensically retrieve information from cell phones, laptops, Computers, Deleted Data, Texts, Emails and more. All cases are 100% Confidential.

Uncover Online Dating Profiles, Unknown Social Accounts, Photos & More. Find information on anyone. Locate someone. Dark Web Scan. Arrest Records. 24-7 Customer Service. Unlimited Lookups. DUI and driving Record Search. Simple Background Checks.

Call the Michigan Private Investigation team at Eye Spy today (888) 393-7799

Shocking Facts About Cheating

Here are some shocking facts about cheating and infidelity. While cheating is considered taboo, it's quite a common occurrence. It's a lot of couples' worst nightmare: Someone succumbs to temptation and strays. Can you spot a husband prone to infidelity? If he's unhappy with his wife, he'll cheat, right? Not necessarily. Need to find out? Call the Michigan Cheating Investigators...

How To Catch Your Spouse Cheating

Eye Spy Investigations has been solving crimes and catching cheaters for the last twenty six years. All cases have been successful. Although at times, the significant other may not be cheating, we ALWAYS find something about the spouse / significant other. This article will help explain how to catch your spouse cheating.  At Eye Spy Investigations, we have many ways...

Long Distance Relationships

Long distance relationships can be tough. If you've ever been in a long distant relationship, you know its extremely hard. Long distance is not exactly a walk in the park, especially if you have trust issues. Do you need evidence for peace of mind? Call The Michigan Private Investigators at Eye Spy today. Some long distant relationships do not last in...

Should You Stay or Should You Go?

Should you stay or go? A good handful amount of people tend to think that exact question when coming to the conclusion that their significant other / spouse is cheating on them. Most couples tend to stay. Until their significant other / spouse violates their vows / commitment to their partner. Although being unfaithful is not the only thing that questions...
