Cheating Partner

Michigan Private Investigations

Is your significant acting suspicious? Contact us and get the evidence you need. We can forensically retrieve information from cell phones, laptops, Computers, Deleted Data, Texts, Emails and more. All cases are 100% Confidential.

Uncover Online Dating Profiles, Unknown Social Accounts, Photos & More. Find information on anyone. Locate someone. Dark Web Scan. Arrest Records. 24-7 Customer Service. Unlimited Lookups. DUI and driving Record Search. Simple Background Checks.

Call the Michigan Private Investigation team at Eye Spy today (888) 393-7799

Does Giving Out Your Number Count As Cheating?

Does giving out your number count as cheating? There are many different things that can be considered cheating, some of which you may not have thought about. Is exchanging phone numbers while in a relationship ok? Sadly, trust is something very easy to lose and not so easy to regain. So think twice before making a move. Do you suspect Infidelity? Call...

Grief Can Lead To Cheating

Grief and loss can have a huge impact on a marriage and whether that’s through perinatal grief, the death of a child, friend, or family member. Find out how the death of a parent of close loved one can affect your love life. Call the Michigan Private Investigators at Eye Spy today.  When someone close to us dies, we've been told, it's...

12 Signs He’s Cheating

He's working out, cleaning his car and showering before bed. Here are 12 signs he's cheating that most women ignore. The Michigan Private Investigators at Eye Spy share the obvious signs that a person is cheating. Do you suspect your man might be cheating on you? How can you tell for sure without strapping a lie detector to him? You’ve been happy...

Is He Cheating

How do you know if he's cheating? Is his attitude different? Is he coming home later than usual? Is he on the phone all the time? Is He Cheating? All of these questions are warning signs to cheating. Call the Michigan Infidelity Investigators at Eye Spy today. Is He Cheating? Eye Spy Can Help! Why? Because when a man is cheating, They'll...
