Cheating Partner

Michigan Private Investigations

Is your significant acting suspicious? Contact us and get the evidence you need. We can forensically retrieve information from cell phones, laptops, Computers, Deleted Data, Texts, Emails and more. All cases are 100% Confidential.

Uncover Online Dating Profiles, Unknown Social Accounts, Photos & More. Find information on anyone. Locate someone. Dark Web Scan. Arrest Records. 24-7 Customer Service. Unlimited Lookups. DUI and driving Record Search. Simple Background Checks.

Call the Michigan Private Investigation team at Eye Spy today (888) 393-7799

Is Your Spouse Cheating On You With Another Valentine?

Valentines Day is truly one of the most romantic days of the year. Thus, it helps that some couples rekindle their love for each other annually. The smell of fresh roses and chocolate and the sight of diamonds and lingerie are common on this special day. But could they have another Valentine? Unfortunately for some couples there is infidelity going on and...

Valentines Day Cheating

Valentines Day is the one holiday that the unfaithful WILL NOT miss!! But, Valentines Day Cheating happens. It's the one holiday that couples in a relationship look forward to. But, it's also a deal breaker if missed or forgotten. As a result, missing this romantic holiday will get you a one way ticket to the dog house. So, if you are potentially facing...

12 Surprising Facts About Infidelity

Discover Surprising Facts About Infidelity That Could Save your marriage Eye Spy discusses suprising facts about infidelity. Can you spot a husband prone to infidelity? If he's unhappy with his wife, he'll cheat, right? Not necessarily. According to a study, 56 percent of men who have affairs claim to be happy in their marriages. They're largely satisfied with all they have...

How To Catch a Cheating Spouse

Eye Spy Investigations discusses how to catch a cheating spouse or lover. Do you have the gut wrenching feeling your spouse, husband, wife, or partner may be cheating on you? But you haven’t been able to find enough evidence to catch him or her in the act? What if I told you there was a lightning fast way to catch...

Cheating Spouse Private Investigator

News stations will often air segments regarding the use of a  cheating spouse private investigator.  If you think your spouse or significant other is cheating, they probably are. About 90% of the clients who hire a Cheating Spouse Private Investigator end up getting the evidence that they are looking for. Did you know that 60% of all married men and women will...
