About Us

Detroit Private Investigators

Our Detroit Private Investigators assist with many types of Investigations. For example, Detroit Spousal Surveillance, investigate Detroit Cheating Spouse Detroit Marital Infidelity Investigation, civil investigations, adultery, claims fraud, personal injury, Detroit GPS vehicle tracking, Detroit insurance fraud investigation and more. Above all, our Detroit Private Investigations are the best in the business. MICHIGAN'S #1 DETROIT PRIVATE INVESTIGATORS Our Detroit Private Investigators and...

Hire A Michigan Private Investigator

Are you thinking about how to Hire a Michigan Private Investigator?  Eye Spy will make the process very easy.  The quality and standard of our customer service are of the upmost importance to us. Eye Spy Spy Detective Agency has a vast experience of conducting countless investigations with a large number of issues from marital infidelity cases to a breach...

Down the Rabbit Hole with Holly Madison

One episode of Holly's World featured Josh in his quest to find his birth mother. Knowing that his mother chose to have a closed adoption, Josh and Holly Madison contacted Mike and Carey Torrice. Mike and Carey are the owners of Eye Spy Detective Agency, for their help in finding his mom. With only the knowledge of her first name...

Michigan Private Investigator – No Hidden Fees At Eye Spy!

Eye Spy Detective Agency is known Internationally for solving cases and getting the job done. Most importantly, there are no hidden fees once you decide to hire us. The Michigan Private Investigators at Eye Spy Detective Agency have been featuring on numerous TV and radio stations. Although Eye Spy is primarily known for Domestic cases, finding birthparents and locating people, we...

10 Famous People That You Didn’t Know Were Spies

The defining feature of being a spy is that people don't know you are one. Here are a few celebrities that you didn’t know were spies on the side. With any spy story, there's something compellingly magical about people sneaking around and getting away with it. But the best spy stories are the ones that didn't know about until years later. Spies...
