January Blues

Michigan Cheating Partner Investigations


It’s a case of the January Blues. One spouse might question their whole life because they have been triggered by the January blues. However, if you want to file for divorce, that’s usually something that has been brewing for a while in the marriage. Find out the truth. Call the Michigan Private Investigators at Eye Spy Detective Agency today.

It’s A Case Of The January Blues

Blue Monday is a name given to a day in January. This is typically the third Monday of the month. However, it’s claimed to be the most depressing day of the year. The third Monday in January is supposedly the gloomiest day of the year as people. Consequently, people come down from holiday-highs and look towards the distant light of summer.

When people get depressed, they start to reflect on their relationship. And then one spouse decides that they don’t want to spend another year in an unhappy marriage anymore. There’s also a chance the January blues are factoring into the decision. And the January blues will just urge you into action.

Eye Spy Can Help!

Is your Spouse considering leaving you for someone else?  Could they be cheating? Find out! Call the Michigan Private Investigators at Eye Spy Detective Agency today at (888) 393- 7799. We can get the evidence that you need. They Can Run, But They Can’t Hide From EYE SPY!


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